Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008

Perks of being a Wallflower - Review

The novel „The Perks of being a Wallflower“ by Stephen Chbosky is about the 15 year-old Charlie, who describes in a series of letters to an unknown person his problems of being a teenager. He deals with the topics friendship, growing up, love, drugs, the role of an outsider, sexuality and a lot of more. Big roles in his life are his friends, he would do anything for them and everyone can lean on him. But in the end of the book his foretime prevails over him. He was abused by his favourite aunt and that’s the reason why he’s so emotional, shy and secretive.

I really liked the novel because Charlie is always completely honest, sometimes on a naive way, with everything he writes, for example when he explains how to masturbate or when he saw a girl being raped by a popular football player. The fact that “The Perks of being a Wallflower” contains all the problems a normal teenager has, makes this book so interesting. Everyone knows the feeling of frustrations, mourning, first experiences, happiness,… but nevertheless this novel really touches your heart and you know that you’re not the only one with such problems.
I can only advise everyone to read this novel who likes books where someone notices every one in his environment and then writes it down. Even though the end is a little bit too exaggerated when we find out that he was abused by his aunt.

Perks of being a Wallflower - CHARLIE

At the beginning of the novel „The Perks of being a Wallflower“ the shy main character Charlie is 15 years-old and a freshman at an American High School.
He always stays at home to read books twice, which gives him his teacher Bill. Charlie doesn’t have any friends first, because his best friend Michael committed suicide a year before High School starts.
He’s no geek at school although he’s not popular. A lot of people look at him strange, because he’s very emotional, so he cries a lot, which doesn’t change during the book. He gets straight A’s, which is the wish of his parents. They don’t have a lot of money, so maybe he would get a scholarship.
So he’s not really interested in going out and he’s also scared to do something forbidden.
During the book, when he gets to know Sam and Patrick, who is gay. It’s the turning point for his character. For the first time he feels how good it is to have such friends. He falls in love with Sam, which he never did before with any girl, not even with his first girlfriend Mary Elisabeth. He starts to going out, drinking, even taking drugs, lying to his parents and such stuff. Until the end of the novel he can’t say what he thinks and also can’t say no, which changes in the end of the book. It comes out that he was abused by his favourite aunt Helen, who died in an accident, and that’s the reason for his mentally disorder. So he comes into therapy like he was when he was a little kid.

Sa Verbesserung

Nowadays there are a lot of different opinions whether people are influenced by violence and vioelnt media. In this essay I want to show you some points from each side (advocate and the opposite side).
The first paragraph is about the 4 big lies of Hollywood. Medved claims that the violence in the movies is only harmless entertainment. That's definitive false, because, for example, children can't know what's harmless and what's critical. So the next lie is that violence doesn't influence children. But everybody know in the time of uncensored media there is a lot of more crime in our world. He also says that the violence in the media reflects our worlds and most violent filmds are too exaggerated. But a lot of people take such films serious. Such people become copycat.
I personally believe there are various seasons for the violence in this world. To stare with, there are 3 seasons that are frequentli mentioned, namely we leran it, we are born with it and we turn violent because of frustration. I think it's self-evident there's a grain of truth in each theory. In addition I thinkg it's the result of being stupidity. Violence is frequentli cause by negative emotions like hatred.
Next I want to find proposals to reduce the violence among children. First of all the parents should do more for their family life. Children wouldn't be as violent if their family life were okay. A critical point for violence is a lot of heroes of the children aren't good role models at all. Sport stars, movie stars, should be a good role model for the children, because a lot of children emulate their heroes. Pete Doherty takes drugs in public, Paris Hilton drinks and drives. What should the children learn from them? The whole society should set an example. Then there would be defentive less violence.
To sum up, as I've treid to show in my essay there are various factors that contribute to the violence in the world. It's a result of learning and frustration, but of course it's also innate. Therefore, we can diminish it by helping people to act out their aggressions without any danger to the public, by teaching people to communicate and by reducing the violence children are exposed to.