Freitag, 27. Februar 2009

Is it important that people stay informed?

I want to write an opinion essay about "Is it important that people stay informed?" to show you why I think it’s necessary that people stay informed.
Nowadays we can get a lot of information about the whole world by, for example, newspaper, television, radio, internet, etc.

First of all, it’s definitely important that people stay informed because so they know what’s going on in the world.
For example when there is a tornado somewhere you live, then you can get information about it. So you are not completely delimited from the rest of the world.
Also when there is a political selection. You can read or hear a lot of things about such stuff from the news. You will have a clue about everything.
So this leads me to the next point.
It’s also important that we all stay informed because we can get general knowledge from the newspaper, radio, television,… Then we can communicate with other people about things which are currently new in the world. For example, you meet somebody new and you don’t want to tell this person something personal. News are always a good topic to talk about and everyone has his own opinion in every domain. If you know what the person thinks about one topic, you will already know a lot of him.
The next point is, that you will need a lot of things, which are in the news, in school. In my class, subject geography, our teacher asks us questions about politic. When we watch the news the day before, we would know them. The teacher thinks it’s important for our life to know what’s going on in the world and that is also important in my point of view. But there is indeed one problem and that is the education. If the parents don’t attach importance to the all the important things and maybe live in there own world, the children will be without any thirst of knowledge. This is in my opinion a pity.

To conclude, I think it’s the most important thing to stay informed in our time. We have to know what is going on for every domain in our life, whether it’s for the present or our future. It’s not difficult to get some information and especially parents should take care of the general knowledge of their children.
Because without knowledge you will achieve nothing.

Montag, 2. Februar 2009

Boys n the Hood

Group: 4
Evaluate this film: The pros and cons. Is the message relevant for us, too? Explain!

  • Black Policeman:
    Racist against black people.
    1. A burglar gets into the house of Tre and there the policeman said: to bad that you don’t get him.
    2. Tre and Riccy drive home from the party. Suddenly the police stop them and one of the policeman hold a gun at Tre’s face.
    Today: That’s also like the situation here. ….?
  • Mother:
    Mother is different, because she earns more money. She lives different and she also doesn’t want to use slang. She wants to be integrated and be like white people. (The way she lives and the restaurant she chooses.)
    Today: A white woman from the middle class who wants to belong to the rich people.
  • Education:
    It’s not usually that a black person gets a good job and a good education.
    The education is biased for white people not for black ones. For example: Riccy’s wife. Riccy is dead and so she has nothing now.
    It is very important to get people educated otherwise it could be that they have nothing.Today: Turkish people in Austria aren’t as good educated as Austrians.
  • Drugs, alcohol, guns came from white people. It’s them making profits.
  • Black people are interested in keeping their family together. Family, friendship, community --> Brotherhood.
  • A real man is not someone who kills and gets women pregnant.
  • Today: We don’t have a gun problem but the drugs and alcohol come from rich white people and are consumed by poor Austrians or Immigrants.
  • Today: Turkish people are interested in keeping their family. They don’t talk with white people, they don’t have a white community and they count themselves out.