Sonntag, 1. März 2009

In this graph we can see that between 1995 and 2005 is the number of domestic violence assaults is substantially grown.
Between 1998 and 1999 there was a slide and it was level off, but in the year 2000 the number was rising again. We can see that in the year 2005 is the highest point of all the years. We can read out that our society is nowadays more violent than in the year 1995, when the number of the violence was lower that now.
The graph is fluctuate across the years, but we can see the rising clearly.

Freitag, 27. Februar 2009

Is it important that people stay informed?

I want to write an opinion essay about "Is it important that people stay informed?" to show you why I think it’s necessary that people stay informed.
Nowadays we can get a lot of information about the whole world by, for example, newspaper, television, radio, internet, etc.

First of all, it’s definitely important that people stay informed because so they know what’s going on in the world.
For example when there is a tornado somewhere you live, then you can get information about it. So you are not completely delimited from the rest of the world.
Also when there is a political selection. You can read or hear a lot of things about such stuff from the news. You will have a clue about everything.
So this leads me to the next point.
It’s also important that we all stay informed because we can get general knowledge from the newspaper, radio, television,… Then we can communicate with other people about things which are currently new in the world. For example, you meet somebody new and you don’t want to tell this person something personal. News are always a good topic to talk about and everyone has his own opinion in every domain. If you know what the person thinks about one topic, you will already know a lot of him.
The next point is, that you will need a lot of things, which are in the news, in school. In my class, subject geography, our teacher asks us questions about politic. When we watch the news the day before, we would know them. The teacher thinks it’s important for our life to know what’s going on in the world and that is also important in my point of view. But there is indeed one problem and that is the education. If the parents don’t attach importance to the all the important things and maybe live in there own world, the children will be without any thirst of knowledge. This is in my opinion a pity.

To conclude, I think it’s the most important thing to stay informed in our time. We have to know what is going on for every domain in our life, whether it’s for the present or our future. It’s not difficult to get some information and especially parents should take care of the general knowledge of their children.
Because without knowledge you will achieve nothing.

Montag, 2. Februar 2009

Boys n the Hood

Group: 4
Evaluate this film: The pros and cons. Is the message relevant for us, too? Explain!

  • Black Policeman:
    Racist against black people.
    1. A burglar gets into the house of Tre and there the policeman said: to bad that you don’t get him.
    2. Tre and Riccy drive home from the party. Suddenly the police stop them and one of the policeman hold a gun at Tre’s face.
    Today: That’s also like the situation here. ….?
  • Mother:
    Mother is different, because she earns more money. She lives different and she also doesn’t want to use slang. She wants to be integrated and be like white people. (The way she lives and the restaurant she chooses.)
    Today: A white woman from the middle class who wants to belong to the rich people.
  • Education:
    It’s not usually that a black person gets a good job and a good education.
    The education is biased for white people not for black ones. For example: Riccy’s wife. Riccy is dead and so she has nothing now.
    It is very important to get people educated otherwise it could be that they have nothing.Today: Turkish people in Austria aren’t as good educated as Austrians.
  • Drugs, alcohol, guns came from white people. It’s them making profits.
  • Black people are interested in keeping their family together. Family, friendship, community --> Brotherhood.
  • A real man is not someone who kills and gets women pregnant.
  • Today: We don’t have a gun problem but the drugs and alcohol come from rich white people and are consumed by poor Austrians or Immigrants.
  • Today: Turkish people are interested in keeping their family. They don’t talk with white people, they don’t have a white community and they count themselves out.

Dienstag, 6. Januar 2009


Pro and con essay about "The struggle for Beauty"

In our world nearly everyone strives for perfection and we have a lot of opportunities to become "perfect".
We can undergo plastic surgery, use artificial light to tan our skin, starve to lose weight. All this only because we are so obsessed with what we want to be that we don't want to know who we really are. So in fact we don't think about our personality.

First the positive aspects of making use of surgery, diets or fashion.
Fashion is a good thing because if you see a person the first time, you can see at first the clothes of someone. It's necessary that you are well-groomed and wear proper clothes if you work in public. So it's important that you are well-dressed and maybe have clothes of the latest fashion.
Diets are okay if they are good for your health. So maybe a doctor will say that you need a diet. Then it's a good thing because you have to do this for your health. That's why some plastic surgery can be good. In this case surgery can be good. Or if you have had an accident or you have terrible scars you will need surgery only because in our society it's important to look "normal" for example to get a job.

Now to the negative aspechts of the struggle for beauty.
In our society a lot of people want to look like the Hollywood-Stars and that's why they starve to lose weight, especially teenagers. And that's definitely no healthy diet if you are 1,60m and to weight 80 pounds. A lot of people undergo plastic surgery only because they want to look perfect no matter what they are going to correct, like the nose, the chin, breasts or maybe it's more that one part of the body.

So at the end of this essay I want you to present my attitude to the struggle of beauty.
In my opinion beauty is important but not as important as someones personality. I think it's alarming that even teenagers want to look like the stars on Tv, such as Paris Hilton. So they will get anorexic, want to dye their hair blond, etc. Such bad examples aren't really exemplary. Everyone should have the right to decide by themselves if someone wants to undergo plastic surgery or not. But if you go over the top and want to make everything "new" the surgeon should say "stop!".
Our society should care more about the topic plastic surgery and they should take care of the children who want to undergo one. The struggle for Beauty can be very dangerous for everyone.

Freitag, 5. Dezember 2008

GROUP 3 beauty discrimination / prejudice

PRO(discrimination / prejudice because of beauty is okay…)• when you earn your money with your appearance (model)• when you have to represent your company• if you are ugly AND disgusting AND unkempt (run like stink)• if you are beautiful, you are able to show it• more advantages for men

CON(discrimination / prejudice because of beauty is NOT okay…)• when you’re ugly, but the beautiful, stupid one gets the job, even when you’re better• when your appearance is not related to the job• it’s not your fault when you are ugly, so it is not okay if you get hassled• pretty women get often discriminated because of jealousy• beautiful ones are more arrogant than ugly ones (most time)

ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS• skills should be more important than beauty• you should be dressed suitable• you shouldn’t have an untidy-looking• beautiful persons are more self-confident

Letter to BBC - women advertisement

Jana Blabla
Straßenweg 6
A-4890 Feldkirch
December 2nd, 2008

BBC Office
Street 78
5647 London

Ref: Complaint letter to BBC about women in advertisement

Dear BBC,

I want to complain about how women were treated in advertisement.
It’s good that nowadays women have got the chance to do jobs in public not as years ago. They used to stay at home and do the housework. But in my opinion women get short changed.
People take women for every kind of advertisement because of their pros of their feminity, so women and men got advertent. They have to present household goods and a lot of beautiful women present make-up. So everyone things: “Oh, at least I look like them!”
If a man sees a woman with few clothes they rather buy the things they promote for.
I think this is really sexism. Our society should care for the welfare of women. Because otherwise women who don't really have a lot of money will take off their clothes only to make money.
And as we can see that in a lot of advertisement are women who are semi-nude.
In the end I want to say that the behaviour of women should be changed and that every sex will be well treated. So our society would be much better when there wouldn’t be any sexism.

Yours sincerely,
Jana Blabla

Freitag, 21. November 2008

ESSAY city life--> country life

City life or country life. These two types are totally different and everyone has several views. In my essay about this topic I want to list some pro and con arguments about each life. Which one is better?

First of all I want to list the pro and con arguments about city life. In a city it’s good that you have a lot of public transports. So you can go everywhere at every time. If you want to go shopping, it’s no problem in a city, because in each city are a lot of shops, where you can get everything you need. You can also meet a lot of people from everywhere. Maybe people from other countries come to your city to go shopping, make holidays, etc. So it’s very easy to make new contacts.
One con argument is definitely that in a city is a lot of pollution and you can’t really do something against it. That could be very dangerous especially for children. For children it’s also bad that they can’t really go outside and play on the streets like in a country. In a city are too much cars which can hurt them.

Next to a life in a country. The good thing is that you are near the beautiful nature and the air is surely clean. It is calm and there aren’t as much cars on the streets as in the city. Children can play outside the house on playgrounds and in open country sides. Everyone knows everyone in a country, because there aren’t a lot of habitants.
The bad thing in a country is that there aren’t really a lot of spare time activities. So a life there could be very boring especially for teenagers who want to go out, make party or to go shopping.

In my opinion city life is better because in a city you have a lot of options. If you want to go swimming, shopping, go out, go in a museum or restaurant, you can do all this stuff and more in a city. I would get bored in a country. So I want to live in a city the next few years, maybe I will move to a country when I am a little bit older and if I will have a family. Because if you have a family country life is definitely better. You don’t have to be scared that something could happen to your children.

So my conclusion, never mind where you live, you have to be happy.
In any place are good things and bad things. Everyone should live in a place where they are native to.