Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2007


The japanese man, Kabuo Miyamoto, is accused because of the murder of the fisherman Carl Heine. Carl was found at daylight in his own fishing net with the lights on of his boat, drowned. He had a heavy head injury and the bone was broken in some parts of the skull. So the justice thinks that this could be, because somebody has banged his head, maybe with a long, flat object. But there were no really evidences of a fight. The head injury reminds of the war, often seen at Kando, a japanese stick fighting. Stick fighting is to kill someone only with sticks and Japanese learn this already in their childhood.
A murder motive could be the thing that the Heine family sold land to the Miyamotos, but then the Miyamotos didn't want to pay the last 2 rates. So the Heines took their land back and sold it Ole Jurgensen. A few days before the murder happened Kabou stood in front of the door of Carl and shouted at him because he wanted his land back.
Another argument who militates against Kabuo is that on the fishhook was blood of the blood type B+ and the blood type of the accused is 0.
Other suspect things are that there were batteries of Kabuo in Carl’s battery holder, altough they didn’t fit in. After the charge, Ismail discovers the real story. The death of Carl was an accident. In this night when Carl died, he wanted to take down the laterns from the top of his boat, but he fell. That's the reason why his skull was broken. He fell in his net and couldn’t get back on the surface. Kabuo was scared and he knew that everyone will think that he has killed Carl. So he took some batteries of himself and put it on the place of the missing batterie.
The wound on his hand was because Carl has cutted himself with his fisherhook.
The jurist finds Kabuo not guilty. Nobody should be accused because of his nationality.
The most important point is fairness and justice.

Mittwoch, 28. November 2007



In an internet forum there is a discussion whetheter this is art or not. Add your own thoughts and say:
  • What do you consider art?
  • Is this picture art for you?

In my opinion art has to say something for everyone. You can call nearly everything art, because for yourself a photo, a painting or a sculptur can be art.
But I'm sure that pictures from children cannot be art. Their pictures are abstract and there is no main idea behind the pictures. I think every art work should evoke feelings in people. Abstract art is something different for everyone. That's why I really like abstract art. I also like some photos. A photo should emphasize something special. In my opinion this photo isn't art. Everyone could have made this. The colours aren't special and the subject is boring. I can't understand why this photo is part of an exhibition. I'm quite certain that nobody wants to see the feet of a woman in the garden.


Write a letter to a friend! Describe the picture "The Problem we all live with" on the next page to him! Tell him what the artist wanted to express in your opinion! Tell him about your own thoughts and emotions about this picture!

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Dear Markus,
The painting "The Problem we all live with" shows us four men who are Deputy US Marshall. They are white. Two of them are on the right side and the other two on the left side. They wear suits. A little, black girl is off centre. Looks as if she's on her way to school, because she has an exercise book and some pencils in her hand. The girl is between the men. In the background you can see a wall. I'm certain that at the top of the wall is a faded graffiti called "Nigger". Below this word you see a red smudge because somebody hurled at the litte girl. At the bottom of the painting there is the name of the artist. The painter's name is Norman Rockwell. The artist wants to provoke our thoughts. All people are equal no matter which colour your skin is. You should respect everyone. When I look at this painting I get the impression that the artist is against racism. Maybe he has his own experience about racists. I really like the main idea and I also like the monochrome coulours.
You cannot say that people are better only because they are white. Think about that!

Yours, Jana

Montag, 19. November 2007

What happens when we die?

I believe that there is something after death, but I don't know what. Life after death or rebirth is nonsense in my opinion. The Christians believe in heaven and hell, but I think this religion only wants that nobody does something wrong. So they say that you will go to hell if you do something bad. In my opinion it's very naiv and I cannot believe in those traditional things.
Maybe there is nothing more after life. So your life is finished and that's it. Nobody know what will happen until we die. The more I think about this topic the more I'm at a loss.
So the result is that i don't have a clue what will happen.
But I'm not really scarred of dying, because everyone has to die and I think I will not die in the next few years.

Mittwoch, 26. September 2007

Topic: Write a letter to the editor

Dear editor,

I read the article “Guiliani forced into climbdown” yesterday in a newspaper and I want to tell you shortly what the article is about.
There has been a legal battle between Mayor Giuliani and Brooklyn museum about Ofili’s Virgin Mary. Guiliani threatened to withhold funding and to exict them.
As a result he gave in.
In my opinion the museum was right because of the right to free speech. It’s a very important human right. I totally disagree with the opinion of the mayor. It’s only art and I think sometimes it’s good to have art work that shocks because it’s something different and it’s really fascinating.
I think it is important that every artist is open to something new. I strongly believe that a lot of people like more shocking art than this boring paintings.

Yours Jana.