Montag, 19. November 2007

What happens when we die?

I believe that there is something after death, but I don't know what. Life after death or rebirth is nonsense in my opinion. The Christians believe in heaven and hell, but I think this religion only wants that nobody does something wrong. So they say that you will go to hell if you do something bad. In my opinion it's very naiv and I cannot believe in those traditional things.
Maybe there is nothing more after life. So your life is finished and that's it. Nobody know what will happen until we die. The more I think about this topic the more I'm at a loss.
So the result is that i don't have a clue what will happen.
But I'm not really scarred of dying, because everyone has to die and I think I will not die in the next few years.

1 Kommentar:

Guenter hat gesagt…

"to want someone to do something" -> "they only want no one to do anything wrong"
"naive" - In English there's always an "e" after a "v"
"scarred" = vernarbt; "scared" = verängstigt
- fluent English, fairly idiomatic and some good phrases but you don't extend your vocabulary range enough; challenge your skills a bit more!